Rollet parking system in Debrecen

Rollet parking system in Debrecen

The Rollet mobile application, developed in Hungary, allows fully automatic parking in municipal parking lots in Debrecen without a parking ticket. The mobile payment system detects the parking time and automatically settles the parking fee.
After registering once, anyone can use without cash or parking ticket. The parking fee is automatically deducted from the motorist's credit card when the car is driven out, without any action required.

The new system was introduced in two sites in June 2018, then 6 more sites were added in the second half of 2018.

The service offered by Rollet fits perfectly into Debrecen's Smart City strategy and has been seamlessly integrated into the lives of the city's residents, following very positive feedback. Both DV-Parking Ltd. and Parkour Technologies Ltd. are very satisfied with the way the system works, so much so that the latter is keen to extend this type of payment to shopping and petrol stations in the future.


EDC Debrecen Nonprofit Kft.
Parkour Technologies Kft.

