Opioid Wastewater Sampling

Opioid Wastewater Sampling

The abuse of opioids is affecting communities throughout the american nation including Cary. The town is committed to offering solutions to of opioid misuse. The Town is planning to pilot a wastewater monitoring project that would generate opioid consumption data by measuring concentrations of opioid metabolites in sewage. The Town is working with Biobot Analytics, a company that provides opioid testing and data analytics services. Town staff will install and operate wastewater sampling devices, or robots, within the sewer system. Opioids and opioid metabolites will be monitored and calculated into a consumption rate of a daily dosage per a population of 1,000. The project will estimate total opioid consumption Cary will share aggregate data with public health officials and educators so that effective programs can be deployed and tailored to address those at risk. 


Biobot Analytics


United States of America (USA)