Sponge garden

Sponge garden

The climate is changing: the rain is heavier and the dry periods between are lasting longer. How can we moderate these two extremes? A lot of rain water currently drains through sewers to prevent flooding. However, that does not always work and increases the problem of drought.

One way to deal with this; is to have our urban greenery function like a sponge. A sponge can moderate these extremes; it can absorb water quickly, hold it temporarily and gradually return the water to the subsoil.

We have created the Sponge Garden to investigate what this can look like in practice. Here we are testing new concepts for collecting, retaining and returning rainwater to the natural environment. For this, experiments are being carried out with soil compositions, planting types and sponge techniques.

We are monitoring the behaviour of the water for two years with the help of the Rotterdam Field Measurement Service so that we are able to apply the knowledge we learn in practice. Of course this is also simply a beautiful garden for you to experience and enjoy.


Water Sensitive Rotterdam
Stichting Voedseltuin Rotterdam
Gemeente Rotterdam
Hoogheemraadschap Delfland
Provincie Zuid-Holland
EFL Stichting
Binder Groenprojecten
Kim Kogelman

