Transportation in urban areas, particularly metropolitan regions, generates congestion and vast greenhouse gas emissions and thus imposes enormous challenges upon authorities in providing healthy living conditions for inhabitants and a supportive environment for businesses. Thus, the overall objective of the SMART-MR is to support local and regional authorities in improving transport policies and providing sustainable measures for achieving resilient low-carbon transportation and mobility in metropolitan regions. To tackle this issue, 10 project partners from 8 metropolitan regions (Oslo, Göteborg, Helsinki, Budapest, Ljubljana, Rome, Porto and Barcelona) will share their experience in transport and mobility planning by organizing 7 topically interrelated workshops. For each workshop the partners will issue an in-depth analysis, describe good practices and organise a study visit. Practical experience will be presented and discussed, and policy recommendations developed. Through the project outputs, such as the guide on sustainable measures for achieving resilient transportation in metropolitan regions, selected good practice descriptions, and policy recommendations, and through dissemination events, such as political meetings, the final conference, and regional stakeholder meetings, SMART-MR contributes to Europe 2020 goals, Cohesion Policy, and the Interreg Europe Program by aiding managing authorities and regional and local authorities in setting new transport and mobility policies.
In particular, metropolitan regions will prepare and implement action plans to improve the implementation of transport policies and the respective 8 policy instruments by:
- provision of integrated transport or sustainable urban mobility plans;
- deploying low-carbon urban transit oriented development in the form of intermodal nodes and urban station communities;
- including stakeholders in project activities and in the design and implementation of the action plans.