Personalized Medicine Programme in Estonia

Personalized Medicine Programme in Estonia

Personalized medicine helps to determine as individually as possible the prevention or treatment plan for each person by analyzing genetic data of the person in combination with the environment, health behavior and health data of the person. Implementation of personalized medicine in Estonia is being carried out within the framework of the personalized medicine programme 2016–2020 managed by the Ministry of Social Affairs. The objective of the programme is to improve the health of the Estonian population by the implementation of results and innovations of Estonian and international research and development activities and thereby increase the average life expectancy and healthy life years. Launch of the programme was preceded by a thorough preliminary study carried out in 2015.


University of Tartu
Tallinn University of Technology
Ministry of Education and Research
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
Estonian Family Physicians Association
Tartu University Hospital
North Estonia Medical Centre
Estonian Genome Center, University of Tartu

