Tamási, the digital small town

A comprehensive development strategy, Digital Prosperity Program (Digitális Jólét Program - DJP), formulates programs to support digitization in almost all areas of the Hungarian economy, state operation and digital development of Hungarian society. One of the designated areas of intervention of the DJP is the so-called "spreading smart city solutions and approaches". In the country, 10 pilot projects will be launched, with the help of resources from the Digital Prosperity Program, to fully prepare their own smart city development program.

climate Fieldview

With FieldView users can make data driven decisions to maximize their return on every acre. As a data partner, FieldView seamlessly collect, store, and visualize critical field data, monitor and measure the impact of the agronomic decisions on crop performance, and manage the users field variability by building customized fertility and seeding plans for your fields to optimize yield and maximize profit.

Velobike - Moscow

Velobike is a convenient, environmentally friendly and automated urban transport. A bikesharing service which helps Muscovites and guests to explore the city, go on picnics and go on business. Velobike is convenient for short term transport, the regular customers ride bicycles from home to the metro and from the metro to work. Velobike is an alternative to a car and public transport.

Denver Urban Gardens

Denver Urban Gardens knows that in order to make lasting change, community needs to drive it. That’s why every one of our urban gardens and farms have been started and led by local residents. They currently have over 180 gardens in six counties in the Metro Denver Area. DUG gardeners grow food, but more than that, they grow community. They put down deep roots, providing resources, training, and support needed to establish enduring gardens and farms that become valuable assets to neighborhoods.

Denver Office of Sustainability

The 2020 goal was set in 2013 by the Denver Office of Sustainability. City officials have been working on sustainability goals for many years now, including reducing emissions by 80 percent by 2050, fuel switching, 2020 sustainability goals, innovative public-private partnerships, benchmarking and increased transparency between the city and the public. Though the city must take decisive action and show leadership in these topics, the public needs to know how they can help on an individual level. Goals were set by separating government and community goals into efficiency.

Alsómocsolád - Future weaving programme

Alsómocsolád is a village in Baranya County, Hungary, its population is less than 400 people. Their vision is to transform Alsómocsolád to a friendly, liveable, traditional but innovative XII century township, with developing their local economy and increasing ther population. Their "Future Weaving" programme aims to reverse depopulation, they are looking for enthusiastic applicants who would like to live in the village, be an active part of the community and help to make the county life more comfortable.

Cleveland Climate Resilience & Urban Opportunity Plan

The Cleveland Climate Resilience and Urban Opportunity Plan includes a detailed assessment of the current and anticipated effects of climate change in the Midwest, along with mapping and analysis of Cleveland’s vulnerabilities, characterized by six social factors. The vulnerability mapping helps identify the parts of the city most likely to be at risk in the event of heat waves, heavy precipitation, or other extreme weather and will enable the city to target resources and programs to reduce risk.

Mayflower Autonomous Ship

The Mayflower Autonomous Ship (MAS) will begin its journey on 6 September 2020 and cross the Atlantic Ocean, from Plymouth to Plymouth. Like its namesake in 1620, MAS will rely to some extent on favourable weather to complete its crossing as it will be powered by state-of-the-art hybrid propulsion system, utilizing wind, solar, state-of-the-art batteries, and a diesel generator.

Drainage nets in Henley Reserve

In March 2018, the City of Kwinana installed drainage nets at two locations in Henley Reserve as a trial. The nets were installed in an effort to reduce the discharge of rubbish from drainage systems within the City, in particular areas where road drainage is discharged into public open spaces and reserves.
In 4 months both nets have been cleaned three times with a total of 370kg of debris collected by the drainage nets which has been removed and disposed of. The debris consisted of food wrappings, drink bottles, sand and tree leaves.