Commonwealth Connect (non-emergency notification)

Commonwealth Connect, a state-wide program, allows residents to efficiently report and respond to non-emergency issues. The State of Massachusetts just released funding to extend the program to an additional 20 municipalities. The Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) is overseeing the grant. Together citizens and governments have identified and repaired damaged public infrastructure, neighborhood blight and storm damage all over the Commonwealth.

Hiukkavaara, The Arctic Smart City

The new Hiukkavaara district is a model for sustainable, arctic building and living. By the year 2035 Hiukkavaara will be a modern urban district with 20,000 people, 10,000 housing units, 1,800 workplaces and smart services for 40,000 consumers.
Hiukkavaara serves as a Living Lab for energy efficient living concepts and solutions. The district offers premises for research, development, testing and launching of new products and services. Hiukkavaara is designed to be human-sized.

Hanham Hall Hub (sustainable smart residential area)

Hanham Hall is the first site to be delivered under the government’s Carbon Challenge initiative and delivers 185 innovative new homes with integrated sustainable living and environmental considerations. The specially commissioned post-occupancy website enables a direct line of communication between residents and the housing management company, as well as within the community itself.

Songdo International Business District

New smart city or "ubiquitous city" built from scratch on 600 hectares of reclaimed land along Incheon's waterfront, 65 kilometres southwest of Seoul Embodies two avant-garde concepts: (1) the Aerotropolis, and (2) the Ubiquitous City (U-City). The largest private real estate development in the world’s history Songdo’s urban model bears several distinct features: its ubiquitous computing allows it to micro-manage numerous aspects of the city such as energy consumption and traffic; and the city can "interact" with citizens at the individual level.


Loadsensing is a wireless system that allows the monitoring of large structures, with the aim to detect and prevent possible risks and to ensure an optimal use. The system collects data from a wireless sensors network and sends it to a database, triggering alarms when necessary. It was installed to monitor the Olympic Arena Palau Sant Jordi, in Barcelona. The solution allowed engineers to know in real time the weight and stress supported by every beam, so every event can be developed optimally without being exposed to any risk.

Copenhagen Wheel

The Copenhagen Wheel transforms your bicycle into a smart electric hybrid, quickly and easily. The Wheel contains a motor, batteries, multiple sensors, wireless connectivity, and an embedded control system.

SmarTaxi (taxi service application)

SmarTaxi is an application to improve the network operation forecasting the taxi demand around the city. It shows with a heat-map where the demand is in real-time, the amount of waiting time for each taxi stops and also shows a graph of the next 24h with the best hours to work in order to allow the taxi driver to make a better schedule. It will reduce the amount of kilometers drove looking for clients, what means a reduction of the traffic and the resultant pollution.

Rekola (bicycle sharing system)

‘Rekola’ (could be translated as rebike) is a community bikesharing. It’s a very recent project which started in April 2014 and initiated by two young men from association They are using old bicycles which are repaired and painted in pink. It’s for everyone, without any bike stands, just find a bike in one of four Czech cities – Prague, Brno, Olomouc and Pardubice – and go! How does it work? Every rider has a mobile phone application where he or she can see the availability of pink bikes near their surroundings.