Velocia app

Velocia app

Traffic congestion has a tremendous cost whether measured by lost productivity, environmental pollution, social equity, or just plain frustration. People keep moving to cities, but building new infrastructure is difficult and expensive.

Velocia is an app that rewards travelers for not driving alone, using resources that already exist. They place humans—rather than technology—at the center of their smart mobility solutions.

Velocia users earn VELOs (rewards points) for moving from point A to B safely, efficiently, and economically. They reach for the app to determine the mobility behavior that is in their own best interest. Users can see at a glance how their choices benefit both themselves and their communities.

Velocia provides a platform for their Mobility as a Service (MaaS) partners to create new reward campaigns for Velocia users including carpooling, public transit, car sharing, biking, scooting, and walking.



United States of America (USA)