Brownfield cadastre of the city of Budapest

Brownfield cadastre of the city of Budapest

In 2016, the municipality of the Hungarian capital city approved for the first time the preparation of a brownfield and unused areas cadastre covering the entire territory of Budapest, together with a continuously updated database.

The main purpose of the completed cadastre is to support the renewal of brownfield and other underused areas, vacant buildings in Budapest by providing relevant information on the urban architectural characteristics of the brownfield sites as well as on their potential marketability. The cadastre presents the features and development frameworks of the sites with a description of the current urban planning legislation, collects the unused and underused areas of Budapest, analyzes the development potential of the urban fabric using the same criteria, but also describes the areas in terms of urban structure, location, infrastructure and environment.

A nyomon követés részeként az adatbázisban szereplő területek és azok adatai a 2016-os jóváhagyás óta, minden év végén aktualizálásra kerültek. A kataszterhez online felület is készül, mely egyelőre (2022 februári állapot szerint) még folyamatban van.

As part of the monitoring process, the sites included in the database and their attributes are being updated annually since the first publication of the cadastre in 2016. An online version of the cadastre is also under construction, it is still in progress (as of February 2022).





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