Health Lab

Health Lab

It aims to establish an environment which supports the creation and implementation of innovative care technologies. The program focuses on increased care efficiency, resulting in greater end-user independence. In Health-Lab care professionals, scientists and entrepreneurs work closely together with end-users in seeking solutions. The potential of  ICT based technologies plays an important role. To support and stimulate Digital Health developments in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area  the project is set up around three pillars: Creating a platform where all those involved can meet, discuss and share developments in and implementation of new solutions in care. Support and stimulate the set-up of several living lab locations where new solutions can be tested and improved, together with users. The creation of new curricula focussing on the implementation of these solutions in educational settings.


Amszterdami Egyetem| Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam| Amsta| SIGRA| Hogeschool van Amsterdam| Hogeschool InHolland| Waag Society

