US City Open Data Census

US City Open Data Census

The US City Open Data Census is an ongoing, crowdsourced measure of the current state of access to a selected group of datasets in municipalities across the United States. Any community member can contribute an assessment of these datasets in their municipality at any time. Census content will be peer-reviewed periodically by a volunteer team of Census librarians coordinated by the Sunlight Foundation. The US City Open Data Census does not aim to create a comprehensive list of open datasets around the United States, nor does it aim to define what datasets are the most important to open. Instead, the Open Data Census seeks to be a benchmarking tool, which people can use to ignite conversations with their government about open government data. The US City Open Data Census was launched on Open Data Day (February 22, 2014) in conjunction with CodeAcross 2014. Another event-push for US City Open Data Census contributions took place during the National Day of Civic Hacking (on May 31 - June 1, 2014).


US City Open Data Census
Sunlight Foundation
Open Knowledge International
