Urban Farming

Project status


Urban Farming

Currently, we use 80% of the arable land we have access to globally. In the future, without significant change in today’s food production, it is estimated that at least 10-15% of the global vegetable production must take place inside cities by 2050 in order to maintain our current growth and consumption patterns.
Due to these demographic and environmental factors, significant changes are taking place within the Agriculture sector. Trends are showing that urban areas are placing increasing strain on the food industry and associated resources such as water, energy and arable land. As a result, the global market is experiencing increased food price volatility and Governments around the world are taking drastic steps to mitigate the future risks and challenges associated with their development goals. We need to integrate food production into city infrastructure. Plantagon is a Companization – two different legal entities working for the same cause: To meet the upcoming food crisis by combining the physical, biological, economic and social conditions for successful and productive agriculture solutions in urban environments, applying existing technologies and developing new innovative ways to create efficient processes, systems and solutions for sustainable urban agriculture and developing esthetical and functional real estate solutions that integrate within the urban infrastructure.

