Safer Place

Safer Place

Safer Place develops an innovative, award-winning video-based technology platform to enhance high-risk traffic and parking violations enforcement. The single platform detects all types of moving violations: Disobey road signs, Failure to Yield, Mobile texting, Crossing solid lines, Driving in bus lanes, Illegal turns & all types of urban parking violations: Blocking the sidewalk, Parking on a crosswalk, In a bus stop, Double parking and more.
Our solutions are field proven, reliable and fully operational. Safer Place generates digital tickets to reduce human errors and produces blurred videos and images to comply with local privacy regulations.
With Safer Place solution, we make the city smarter: improve road safety for drivers and pedestrians, increase manpower productivity, reduce legal appeals and generate incremental revenue with no upfront investment required by the customer.
Safer Place delivers to Tel Aviv municipality a successful large-scale project improving all major aspects of the transportation in the city: reduced violations over time, increased public order, improved traffic flow, increased efficiency and reduced number of appeals to court.



Tel Aviv-Yafo