Co-operative-adaptive traffic control

Co-operative mobility services allow intersection traffic control systems to adapt their timing based on an interaction with vehicles. The advantage is twofold: the speed of vehicles is optimized reducing unnecessary acceleration and deceleration and the traffic light phase is optimized increasing the overall road network throughput. The idea that smart cities should take up is the introduction of such cooperative adaptive traffic control systems based on ITS-G5 V2I communication.

Transport management – Zaragoza

With 150 “urban” sensors over the urban grid of Zaragoza, 90% of all urban routes are monitored and 30% of all traffic is audited daily. The information on travel times goes directly to the Traffic Management Centre (TMC) of Zaragoza City Council and it is displayed on a web interface specially intended for management purposes.

Citysolver transport management

Citysolver is Bitcarrier real-time intelligent traffic management and information solution for urban environments specifically designed to satisfy the needs for traffic optimization in local authorities. Citysolver provides its clients with the following data in real time: Travel times between two points in the city, Vehicles’ average speed, Traffic intensity, Traffic density estimations, Alarms for detection of incidents and congestion, Prediction of travel times, Information to design origin-destination matrixes.

Sitraffic smartGuard traffic management

It is an integrated traffic management services tailored to the user's needs. The point is that the user is only required  subscribe for control and management functions which you can run as an application on simple devices as well because the special hardware required calculation processes are taking place on the service provider's infrastructure. The composition of the service can be expanded to meet changing needs and its function doesn't need to maintain and develop serious cost-intensive physical infrastructure.

IBM Transportation Management Center

IBM Transportation Management Center offers tools to help prevent, manage and mitigate events. By establishing system-wide, real-time monitoring, and supplementing it with a proactive management approach, the Transportation Management Center solution helps minimize the effect of incidents. you can take advantage of your existing IT and transportation network investments while you protect your agency’s future options. The solution integrates with your current infrastructure to: Create an open, vendor-neutral transportation management system.

IBM Intelligent Transportation

IBM Intelligent Transportation provides: One integrated transportation system to increase situational awareness of current traffic and transit conditions and provide advanced predictive analytics. The Intelligent Operations for Transportation component to improve traffic operations and citizen driving experience, ridership and asset performance. The Intelligent Transit Analytics component to improve public transit operations and commuter experience. Collaborative tools for more efficient traffic management, traffic prediction, transportation operations and input of historical traffic data.

EcoTrafiX transport management

The solution is a comprehensive map-based system built on sharing and collaboration to achive transport efficiency, safety and  sustainability. It helps to the authorities and operators to assist the different actors work together with pre-approved, coordinated, data-driven responses. The single user interface combines all of the traffic and transport systems which significantly improves the operators' recognition ability and the  opportunities of intervention and actuation. It also helps to reduce congestion and it promotes the use of public transport.

Smart Traffic Management

The Amsterdam region is one of the busiest regions of the Netherlands. Three road managers are active; the municipality of Amsterdam, the province of North Holland and the national government. They all try to optimize the traffic flow within their management area, but the measures they take sometimes conflict with each other. To improve traffic flow cooperation between all parties was necessary. Joint and automatic management: The city of Amsterdam now uses TrafficLink’s SCM system that is connected to the traffic system of the national government.

Forum Virium Helsinki

Forum Virium Helsinki is an innovation unit within the Helsinki City organization. It develops new digital services in cooperation with companies, other City of Helsinki units and residents. Our objective is to build better city services, create new business opportunities as well as open up new contacts for international markets. Forum Virium Helsinki’s development projects drive the creation of digital city services. From the very start, ideas under development are tested as part of users’ everyday lives. Another goal is to create new business opportunities for companies.