Livable Future Park

Pollution, lack of energy carriers, climate change, civilization diseases – we are ahead of great challenges if we want to leave a liveable environment for our children and the next generations. It is very important to produce power in an eco- and climate-friendly way, not only to reduce the energy consumption. To do that the common thinking of humanity is needed. Therefor we implemented the Liveable Future Park in Fót, near Budapest. The Liveable Future Park is a little energy and research island where we can show the real potential of alternative energy and the latest technology.

The Things Network

They crowdsourced a complete city-wide Internet of Things data network with the people of Amsterdam in 6 weeks using a new technology named LoraWAN™. They are launching their global campaign to repeat this in every city in the world. 

Thingful (search engine)

Thingful is a search engine for the Internet of Things, providing a unique geographical index of connected objects around the world, including energy, radiation, weather, and air quality devices as well as seismographs, iBeacons, ships, aircraft and even animal trackers.

Virtual Power Plant Program

The general aim of the program is to collect experiences and best energy efficiency practices of successful companies; to transform them into transferable knowledge and forward them to Hungarian companies especially SMEs, who lack of energy managers internally; to motivate the management of the SMEs to invest time and energy in EE; to award the best companies showing results and use them as a role model for the others; to cooperate with the relevant authorities in order to create a legislation framework supporting energy efficiency.

Smart Citizen Kit

The Smart Citizen Kit was devised out of growing concerns of citizens about the quality of their air. The difference between this Kit and other measuring tools is the active involvement of ‘ordinary people’ in the measuring process. In this project, Waag Society and Amsterdam Smart City want to install a network of sensors all through Amsterdam. The Kit can measure humidity, noise pollution, temperature, CO, NO2 and light intensity. Participants fasten the Kit somewhere outside their house, e.g. outside their window, or on their balcony.

Smart Citizen

Smart Citizen is a platform to generate participatory processes of people in the cities. Connecting data, people and knowledge, the objective of the platform is to serve as a node for building productive and open indicators, and distributed tools, and thereafter the collective construction of the city for its own inhabitants.

Community Agriculture

They have studied and gathered informationon  the best practice, Hungarian and foreign, for local food supply chains. Through counselling and building networks, we have helped spread  the best practices for local food supply chains, like community supported agriculture (CSAs) or shoppers communities, to help small local communities, empower small farms, and contribute to rural communities' development.

Conscious Consumer

The aim of the Association of Conscious Consumers is to support and strengthen sustainable consumption, ethical (environmentally and socially responsible) consumption and corporate operations, the sustainability of markets, and the knowledge about the rights and obligations of consumers in Hungary. Our association (ACC) has been promoting ethical, environmental and socially conscious consumption and lifestyle choices since 2001.

Our Street

The "" is a social and community-building platform where you can easily learn about one another in neighbourhood and you will recognize the potential in the good neighborhoods. After registration it becomes possible to hire tools and commodity within neighbourhood and to help one another in working around the house and organizing social work, events, public programs that affect the area.

Haarlem energy management (test)

Liander, in colloboration with Plugwise, has made it possible for 250 customers in the Haarlem region to test an energy management system free of charge for four months. The system enables the user to gain insight into energy consumption of each connected appliance on the applicable wall plug. Not only does the accompanying software make possible online monitoring of energy use, but it also enables the user to switch the appliances on and off automatically. The system gives the customer more insight into his or her energy consumption, which makes it easier to cut back on energy bills.