Naturcleaning environmentally friendly cleaning products

Cudy Future Ltd. has been producing cruelty-free, planet and skin-friendly cleaning and cosmetic products since 2010. The company’s goal is to create clean and healthy homes and work environments with the contribution of the products, while reducing its ecological footprint. To this end, products are manufactured in a ”green” way. The products are vegan and skin-friendly, and also hypoallergenic, and do not contain synthetic, corrosive substances. They biodegrade fast, and do not contain phosphate, chlorine, palm oil and parabens.

Sponge garden

The climate is changing: the rain is heavier and the dry periods between are lasting longer. How can we moderate these two extremes? A lot of rain water currently drains through sewers to prevent flooding. However, that does not always work and increases the problem of drought.

One way to deal with this; is to have our urban greenery function like a sponge. A sponge can moderate these extremes; it can absorb water quickly, hold it temporarily and gradually return the water to the subsoil.

Furbify - computer equipment refurbishment

A vállalat prémium minőségű számítógépes berendezéseket újít fel és forgalmaz. Víziója, hogy „zöldítse” bolygónkat, megakadályozva az e-hulladék tömeges felhalmozódását. A vállalat küldetésének tekinti a felújított számítógépek népszerűsítését, azok minden előnyével együtt. Célja, hogy meghosszabbítsa a már legyártott termékek élettartamát, így akár többször újrahasznosíthatóak lesznek, ahelyett, hogy a hulladéklerakókban végeznék. A vállalat saját gyárában, szakképzett munkatársaival újítja fel az eszközöket.

FLOWBOX autonomous energy management and optimisation platform

FLOWBOX is an autonomous energy management and optimization platform to save energy, make more efficient operations, and to reduce carbon footprints. The platform can actively and autonomously manage and optimize operational technologies, and is able to provide demand flexibility for the smart grid. It is a hardware-agnostic system not tied to a specific hardware manufacturer. The robust hierarchical architecture utilizes edge computing and is optimized for mission-critical applications. Data is shared across multiple teams and external systems.

Alteo - renewable energy production

ALTEO Plc. is a Hungarian-owned energy service and trading company with a modern perspective. The scope of its business activity covers renewables and natural gas-based energy production, energy trade and bespoke energy services and development for companies. ALTEO provides its customers with a reliable and environmentally responsible energy supply based on the sustainable use of renewable energy. The Group considers the domestic promotion of high-efficiency decentralized and renewables-based electricity generation to be its priority.

Australian solar farm

A significant energy transition is underway in the Indo-Pacific and the share of energy delivered by electricity is growing quickly. In Southeast Asia, energy demand is growing at an average of 6% per year and forecast to grow 60% by 2040. Demand for renewable electricity is accelerating due to its low cost.

AgeVolt intelligent energy management system

AgeVolt is aligned to UN Sustainable Development Goals of Climate Action and Affordable & Clean Energy. The company’s intelligent energy management system connects to an existing electrical connection and uses the building’s available reserved capacity. It ensures that the EV charging is optimised through dynamic load balancing and enables grid demand balancing on a local/municipal/ regional level. This reduces the capital and operational costs by 20% and is energy efficient.

PontVelem smart program

The most important goal of the ScoreWithMe Smart Program is to educate and raise awareness of sustainability among the younger generation. The focus of the program is on the selective collection of waste, with a special emphasis on the collection of used batteries, small accumulators and used mobile phones. The points earned through the collection can be managed by the students in the PontBank in the Financial Compass-BankWithMe program, and they learn about basic banking and financial concepts.

ReBuSch - Foliar fertilizer and pesticide

The system is certified organic, totally free from chemicals. The company’s complex technology has the potential to restore the humus content and fertility of the soil, and to gradually process the traces of previous overfertilization. Regeneration does not cause crop failure; yield will start to increase right from year 1. A 20 percent increase in yield can be expected with increasing content value and decreasing production costs.

Phylazonit - liquid bacteria fertilizers

Agrova Ltd. was founded in 2003, setting the vision of improving soil health and preserving agricultural potential for future generations. The company produces, develops and distributes Phylazonit™ liquid bacteria fertilizers, which naturally increase humus content and soil fertility, support nutrient uptake and root formation, increase the soil’s water retention capacity, and hinder the proliferation of harmful soildwelling fungi.