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Smart Economy

Zenvus Smart Farming

Zenvus Smartfarm is an intelligent electronics sensor which when inserted in a farm soil collects pertinent data like humidity, temperature, pH, moisture, nutrients etc and wirelessly transmits the data to a cloud server where advanced computational models help to make sense of what is happening on the farm. Powered with solar with a battery capacity that can last for days, a farmer interacts with the hardware data via our free Zenvus Web App which is both desktop- and mobile-friendly.


BAZAFARM is a solar powered IoT device that is put in the farm to measure water level, soil temperature and the fertility of the soil in real time and the farmer can access the data on their mobile phone, tablet or PC via Internet and make decisions accordingly. The device helps farmers achieve high yields of crops and also provides data of what the soil needs for the best growing environment of crops.


Folding@home is a distributed computing project for simulating protein dynamics, including the process of protein folding and the movements of proteins implicated in a variety of diseases. It brings together citizen scientists who volunteer to run simulations of protein dynamics on their personal computers. Insights from this data are helping scientists to better understand biology, and providing new opportunities for developing therapeutics.

Data-based production support solutions in the breeding of dairy cattle

A mikroklíma mérés egyik fő célja, hogy segítse a gazdálkodókat  az  állatokat  érő  hőstressz  előrejelzésében, hatásainak  kezelésében és a  mögöttes összefüggések megértésében. A hőstressz nyomán fellépő tejveszteség ugyanis egyre nagyobb gazdasági kiesést okoz a termelőknek.  Az  elmúlt  évtizedekben  hazánkban is sokat romlott a helyzet, amelynek egyik oka a klímaváltozás. A  termelő teheneket  körülvevő mikroklíma  adatainak összegyűjtésére, feldolgozására és értelmezésére a Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem (BME), a Holstein Genetika  Kft.


Mass bee deaths are a huge harm, making predictions can help the prevention or the mitigation of the damage.The sensors and NB IoT network units mean a huge opportunity for beekeepers, beacuse they usually live far from their hives, and even their hive colonies ar far from each other. The sensors and IoT network make easier to follow the state of the hives.

Alliance Center

The Alliance Center is a multi-faceted nonprofit with an event and collaborative working space, located in the heart of Denver. They convene and mobilize our network of non-profit organizations, for-profit businesses, government agencies, academic institutions and community members to collaboratively create sustainability-focused solutions. They are explorers and innovators—working at the leading edge of sustainability to support a healthy planet, a strong democracy, and a thriving economy. The Alliance Center does not work alone.They create solutions through the strength of partnerships.

climate Fieldview

With FieldView users can make data driven decisions to maximize their return on every acre. As a data partner, FieldView seamlessly collect, store, and visualize critical field data, monitor and measure the impact of the agronomic decisions on crop performance, and manage the users field variability by building customized fertility and seeding plans for your fields to optimize yield and maximize profit.

Denver Urbanism

DenverUrbanism provides news, ideas, and commentary about urbanism in Denver and advocates a progressive pro-urban agenda for the Mile High City. DenverUrbanism was launched in late 2010 as a companion blog to the DenverInfill website and blog created in 2004 by Ken Schroeppel, an urban planner who lives and works in Downtown Denver (see the Contributors page for Ken’s bio).

Denver Office of Sustainability

The 2020 goal was set in 2013 by the Denver Office of Sustainability. City officials have been working on sustainability goals for many years now, including reducing emissions by 80 percent by 2050, fuel switching, 2020 sustainability goals, innovative public-private partnerships, benchmarking and increased transparency between the city and the public. Though the city must take decisive action and show leadership in these topics, the public needs to know how they can help on an individual level. Goals were set by separating government and community goals into efficiency.