

The two main goals of creating the card was to enhance the safety and to create an EU-compatible device. The card includes three main services: using for certain transport for personal identification and for electronic signatures (ePASS, eID, eSIGN). The eSIGN function allows you to have qualified electronic signature and by this creating full confidential private documents. The ePass features will empower the citizens to request into the Schengen or other inter-state agreement systems (border crossings, floodgates of entry). The eID is planned to provide much higher level of usage of the e-Government and e-government systems not only in Hungary but most of the countries in EU. The card and the system behind has further advantage that the citizens will be routed into their official business using a single card and will have access to online services. The e-card is a document that will merge identity card, residence card, tax card, social security card and - for example when traveling within the Schengen area - a passport and will be extended to get transport discounts or even be used as a student card. Due to the electronic signature of the e-card it will operate at higher level of security. This works the way that the completed electronic document enclosed by electronic signature and during the transmission it is garanteed that on the way and after arriving cannot change the included content. An optically readable data storage code, the Data Matrix code will also be on the card and in this code the number of the card and the NEK ID (National Standardized Card System) will be stored. On the card with a minimum of 80 kilobytes of storage capacity and intelligent NFC chip also will be placed.


Hungarian Bureaux, citizens, vállalkozók

