Automated Meter Reading

Automated Meter Reading

New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is automating its water meter reading capabilities to increase billing accuracy and provide customers with the tools they need to better manage their water usage. The Automated Meter Reading (AMR) system consists of small, low-power radio transmitters connected to individual water meters that send daily readings to a network of rooftop receivers throughout the city. In most cases, the transmitters are placed where water meter remote receptacles are currently located. The AMR receivers are part of the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications’ (DoITT) New York City Wireless Network (NYCWiN). This new AMR technology sends readings to a computerized billing system up to four times a day and will largely eliminate the need for estimated bills. Since it is an automated system, AMR eliminates the need for meter reading personnel to visit customer properties.


New York City Department of Environmental Protection


United States of America (USA)
New York City