Energy for London

Energy for London

Energy for london was established in June 2011 to both track and support initiatives being taken forward to help respond to the capital’s huge demand for energy. Making London more energy efficient, and sourcing more of its heat and power from decentralised energy sources, will help: 1. reduce CO2 emissions and hence London’s impact on climate change, 2. enhance London’s energy system’s reliability during a period, over the next decade, when the UK will rely on increasing imports of fuels, and will also have to invest up to £200 billion in the country’s ageing energy infrastructure, 3. tackle the scourge of fuel poverty and cold homes in London. Projects currently going ahead range from innovative domestic energy efficiency initiatives to the introduction of community-wide decentralised renewable and low carbon generation systems. energy for london will  highlight sustainable energy projects being taken forward by individuals, community groups, local authorities and private sector developers and help share experience, contacts and advice in helping support further initiatives.



United Kingdom (UK)