Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions

Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions

AMS aims to become an internationally leading institute where talent is educated and engineers, designers, digital engineers and natural/social scientist jointly develop and valorise interdisciplinary metropolitan solutions. AMS is centred on applied technology in urban themes such as water, energy, waste, food, data and mobility, and the integration of these themes. AMS will develop a deep understanding of the city – sense the city -, design solutions for its challenges, and integrate these into the city. In that, Amsterdam is its home base and test bed. The city of Amsterdam is in full support of AMS. Besides a financial contribution, Amsterdam will share city data with AMS researchers, express city/citizen challenges, allow the use of Amsterdam as a testing and piloting place for AMS, act as a launching customer for the solutions that AMS creates, provide access to its people, networks and organizations, and support AMS with its excellent brand name.


Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Delft University of Technology
Wageningen University and Research
Amsterdam Smart City
Waag Society
La Fabrique de la Cité
European Space Agency

