The goal of this project is to make a platform for collecting new types of urban and social mobility records available to the researchers of the IMU community, to deepen their research and validate their hypotheses and models. Many communities seek to improve their understanding of urban mobility behaviours: scientific communities (sociologists, philosophers, geographers, economists, urban planners, logisticians and computer programmers), territorial communities, transportation organisation agencies, businesses, etc. However, these records comprise sensitive personal data. While multiple anonymisation techniques exist, it has been shown that these are quite vulnerable and that de-anonymisation attacks can threaten the privacy of these users. It is envisaged in the framework of this project to develop user privacy protection techniques adapted to the specific features of the data collected and the modes of access and manipulation used. The records that will be collected in the framework of this project are unprecedented because they are characterised by the presence of two types of complementary information: user GPS positioning to track their urban mobility; interconnections between users who are within one another’s network field (e.g. Bluetooth), to identify certain dimensions of their social mobility.