ELGA - Electronic health record in Austria

ELGA - Electronic health record in Austria

The ELGA Act 2013 provides the specific legal basis for processing health data by means of an electronic health record and reenacts the health telematics Act (Gesundheitstelematikgesetz) 2005. It contains rules for the provision of ELGA’s central and decentral components (i.e. the so called affinity domains) and for the procession on of health data by the health service providers as well as technical and organizational norms such as time lines for the duty to use ELGA for different groups of health care providers and specified classes of ELGA data. The ELGA Act also provides for patient service institutions such as the service line by telephone and the ELGA Ombud. The citizens in Austria will be provided with an “e-medication account” with standardized interfaces to the existing IT systems of pharmacies, private practices and hospitals. The Health Service Provider will have an updated overview on prescribed and dispensed medication which allows for an easier control of interactions. Polyprescription and polymedication which can seriously endanger a patient’s health can thus be avoided. Citizens will be able to access their personal “e-medication account” via the ELGA portal and retrieve e.g. their current list of medication.

