Personalized museum tour (research project)

Personalized museum tour (research project)

This research will give insight in the individual visitor journeys and preferences, so museums can optimally adapt its (digital) experience to their visitor needs. Each year, we see museums investing more in visitor engagement. A significant part of these investments are directed towards mobile interpretation, a powerful tool to reach audiences and connect with them. But what do we really know about visitor behavior and how our stories affect them? After the reopening in 2012 and more than a million visitors since, it is time to take this further. Therefore, the Stedelijk has commissioned a large visitors survey, focusing on the qualitative aspects of the visitor journey. This research will give insight in the individual visitor journeys and preferences, so the museum can optimally adapt its (digital) experience to their visitor needs. Ultimately, the Stedelijk aims to underscore these findings with quantitative data, extracted from its proprietary multimedia devices. With at least 5% of visitors using mobile interpretation, this presents a significant population. This is exactly why the Stedelijk, in cooperation with Antenna International, is interested in testing and co-developing a solution that enables personalized experiences and eventually enables the possibility to capture data from its mobile guides.


Stedelijk Museum, Antenna International, CHESS Project EU

