Courmayeur Municipality and Secure Mountain Foundation co-operated to provide a ‘Smart Bench’ which was airlifted to an elevation of 8,645 feet to a mountain refuge stone hut called “La Casemate”. The Smart Bench communicates data and information to citizens and tourists about trails, people traffic in the immediate area, along with critical environmental conditions. This data will be used to validate when municipal employees or Secure Mountain Foundation volunteers should be deployed to the stone hut during times of peak visitations. It will also provide a safety component when, maybe a lost or stranded hiker or skier enters the stone hut vicinity the bench will be able note on the special software app that a person is present. Because the ‘bench’ is connected to the internet citizens can use their mobile device to log into the bench and down load detail information about the mountain, such as; trails, directional information, guides on climbing or hiking or anything the municipality would like available to the citizens or tourists.