TotalCtrl Restaurant

TotalCtrl Restaurant promotes sustainable operations by providing restaurant owners and employees with digital control over food inventory.

When a food delivery has arrived, staff use TotalCtrl Restaurant to confirm that the invoice matches the delivery. This ensures that the restaurant has the correct quantity and type of goods, as well as an overview of the expiry date for each item. The solution sends notifications when items are about to expire, enabling staff to prevent food waste.

Blue Gate Antwerp

Blue Gate Antwerp is being developed into a water-linked eco-effective industrial park. With this site, the City of Antwerp and the Flemish Region want to attract innovative businesses – both domestic and international – marking a new milestone for Antwerp in its innovative history.

Patchwork Health platform

A group of London hospitals have banded together to create the London COVID-19 Digital Staff Bank: a centralised cloud-based platform for staff recruitment. The 14 hospitals are working together in conjunction with Patchwork Health and Reed Talent Solutions to ensure that temporary staffing contracts are filled appropriately and swiftly during the COVID-19 emergency.

Data-based production support solutions in the breeding of dairy cattle

A mikroklíma mérés egyik fő célja, hogy segítse a gazdálkodókat  az  állatokat  érő  hőstressz  előrejelzésében, hatásainak  kezelésében és a  mögöttes összefüggések megértésében. A hőstressz nyomán fellépő tejveszteség ugyanis egyre nagyobb gazdasági kiesést okoz a termelőknek.  Az  elmúlt  évtizedekben  hazánkban is sokat romlott a helyzet, amelynek egyik oka a klímaváltozás. A  termelő teheneket  körülvevő mikroklíma  adatainak összegyűjtésére, feldolgozására és értelmezésére a Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem (BME), a Holstein Genetika  Kft.


Mass bee deaths are a huge harm, making predictions can help the prevention or the mitigation of the damage.The sensors and NB IoT network units mean a huge opportunity for beekeepers, beacuse they usually live far from their hives, and even their hive colonies ar far from each other. The sensors and IoT network make easier to follow the state of the hives.

Association of Rural Initiatives of Catalonia

The Association of Rural Initiatives of Catalonia (Associació d’iniciatives Rurals de Catalunya) is the regional network for rural development in Catalonia. It provides assistance and represents the 12 Catalan Local Action Groups (LAG).
The network was born in 2010 with the aim to broadcast the activities developed by the LAGs and support them to achieve their mission: stimulate rural and coastal areas by facilitating new projects and opportunities for their inhabitants.


Supported by the University of Lyon, the cluster of IMU brings together almost 535 researchers (from 31 laboratories) as well as many communities and business partners. The LabEx IMU contributes to making the Lyon Saint-Etienne metropolis ne of the leading scientific clusters in France and Europe on issues related to cities and urban environments. It makes its resources available to political, economic and social players who are thinking about and designing the city of tomorrow.

Komlóska, the ecovillage

Due to historical, political and economic difficulties in living, a large part of the working population has moved out of the village. In 2008 the mayor introduced the concept that most of the municipal taxes would be released if a business moved its headquarters to Komlóska. Thus, businesses that moved to Komlóska were exempt from business, construction, tourism and communal taxes, basicly they have created a tax haven for businesses. The program works for both entrepreneurs and the municipality.