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Smart Governance

Smart Light - Flexible street lighting

Flexible street lighting: As a company providing public services, Alliander sees it as her duty to facilitate the transition to a sustainable, reliable and safe energy supply. One of the elements Alliander focusses on is the sustainable development of public space.Maximalisation of market mechanisms: Alliander offers a 'Open Smart Grid Platform' that makes it possible to monitor and manage all kinds of different objects in public space, through any kind of application or communication infrastructure. Alliander hopes to stimulate the maximalisation of market mechanisms.

Smart street-lighting control system

The control system supports the unused possibilities of street light systems so it synthetizes in one coordinated unit the saving and development elements. In the possibilities of intelligent control system each element may operate individually or grouped form. The system is feasible for optimal cost-effective operation. Significant savings can be made on the minor roads at night by partial lighting operation or with brightness control. Depending on the system abilities immediate 25-30 percent savings can be ensured while the residents' comfort level is not reduced.

T-City City Guard (eNoto)

eNOTO is a system based on image processing service that does not require a wired network installationand it works on mobile network. It is automatically capable to alarm based on image processing and it does not require constant human supervision so the evaluation of the license plate data is much easier than reviewing imagery for several hours. During the system test it is possible to do comparison with the recognized number plate data and wanted data in real time and provides an opportunity to set up for local monitoring.

Centro de Operações Prefeitura Do Rio (Operation Center, Rio de Janeiro)

400 employee strong operations center (50 operators) would consolidate 30 municipal agencies (ranging from emergency services like fire and medical to sanitation to public transportation) into a single, integrated command center that can monitor weather, traffic, and aspects of the city and react swiftly and effectively in face of emergencies and crises and would do so through cutting edge technology.

Digital Road Authority – accident management

The response time guideline for ambulances is fifteen minutes, but they often get stuck in traffic. The Digital Road Authority allows ambulances to arrive on time by linking them to traffic control. This makes it for example possible to clear traffic lanes for emergency services, keep bridges closed when emergency services are approaching and provide emergency services with the quickest route, based on real-time traffic information. CWI is developing ‘what if scenario's’, based on models and probability calculations for optimal use of these possibilities.

NemID (electronic identification and signature)

NemID is a common secure login on the Internet, whether you are doing your online banking, finding out information from the public authorities or engaging with one of the many businesses that use NemID. NemID is the same login everywhere. Whether you’re doing your online banking or you need to view your tax file, the way you log in will be exactly the same. NemID consists of a user ID, a password and a code card containing codes (one-time passwords).

T-City Szolnok

T-City is a multi-annual development and innovation program of Magyar Telekom and Szolnok City. It launched in 2009 with the aim that citizens try out and test the telecommunication and information technologies and content services. The participating residents institutions and local government organizations help with their experience and feedback to improve the services before launch. The main objective of the T-city is to show and exploit ICT opportunities for all aspects of life - health, education, public administration, tourism, culture, transport, economy.

Vancouver – Digital Strategy

The Digital Strategy aims to enhance multidirectional digital connections among citizens, employees, business, and government. To keep pace with technology, and minimize risk and maximize value for taxpayers, we: Track our progress using the strategy's digital maturity model. Base our decisions and actions on the strategy's pillars, goals, and objectives.

SeeClickFix (non-emergency notification)

SeeClickFix is a communications platform for citizens to report non-emergency issues, and governments to track, manage, and reply--ultimately making communities better through transparency, collaboration, and cooperation. They say all politics is local. While we're not political, we do believe that changes that have a real impact on our daily lives occur at the neighborhood or city level. It's our goal to provide the best tools for residents and governments to communicate for all sizes, populations, and budgets. SeeClickFix could not be done without help.