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Smart Living

Kabelwerk – A modern housing project on a former industrial area

For 100 years the “Kabelwerk” (former called the ‘Kabel- und Drahtwerke AG’) was one of the districts leading companies and its largest employer. The company’s closure in December 1997 gave rise to a large-scale planning and citizens’ participation process initiated by the city of Vienna and the district Meidling. Already on the 30 May 1996 local residents were invited to participate in a workshop and invited to collaborate.

Altes Schule - living together for generations

The Alte Schule Karlshorst was purchased by the trias Foundation with the help of an endowment from SelbstBau e.G. and is leased to the cooperative for 99 years by means of a hereditary lease. The building is owned by the tenants' cooperative SelbsBau e.G. Living together and supporting each other is a basic principle for the housing project in the listed former community school Karlshorst.


Citydev.brussels (formerly SDRB) helps enterprises find a suitable operating site in the Brussels Region. In addition, it builds houses for private individuals within the context of urban renovation projects.

The projects of citydev.brussels are aimed at two target groups: enterprises and private individuals.


The members of MAKÉSZ group manufacture and build their environmentally friendly buildings in accordance with the principles of Sustainable Development, using products with European certification and technical assessment. The aim is to construct buildings with low CO2 emissions, low heat loss, preferably without external energy demand, with renewable energy. It's important for us that as many of the building materials used are natural and recyclable, to reduce the ecological footprint of the construction and operation of the building.

Absolon - Tophouse eco-mobile homes

The Absolon company is engaged in the production of TOPHOUSE prefabricated eco-houses. These houses are more cost-effective, with minimal waste, energy efficient, and meeting the highest standards in environmental awareness. They leave behind a minimal footprint in the environment. TOPHOUSE mobile homes offer a wide range of applications. They are ideal for year-round living or seasonal recreation.


One of the most successful residential reuse projects is Gasometer City, in Vienna Austria. Four immense disused gasometers were successfully revamped in the late ‘90s and have since become infamous in the world of adaptive reuse.

Built in 1896, when Viennese authorities decided to invest in large-scale coal gas and electricity supplies, the gas plant serviced the locale and beyond for a good 88 years, until it was shut down permanently in 1984 after natural gas supplies took over

Child Friendly Smart Cities - India

The National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA, India), has undertaken an initiative in partnership with the Bernard van Leer Foundation (BvLF) to build Child Friendly Smart Cities (CFSC) in India within the urban agenda of building smart cities. The goal of this initiative is to mainstream the needs of children in the urban policy and planning framework of Indian cities under key theme areas - public health, safety and security, transport and mobility and living conditions through programme of activities focused on advocacy and interventions in urban areas.

Prefab house renewal in Rimaszombat

Slovakia is home to more Cold War-era prefabricated housing blocks, locally referred to as “panelaks,” than anywhere else in the former Soviet bloc. After the fall of communism, many called for the demolition of the panelaks, seen as unwanted reminders of a difficult history. In Bratislava alone, 130,000 people live in panelaks; destroying and replacing that much housing would have been prohibitively expensive.