Kapcsolódó alrendszer

Smart Environment

Green nursery in Zugló

In the spring of 2016, the 48-seat Mesevonat crèche was built in Zugló, at the busy junction of Queen Elisabeth Avenue and Öv Street, with several innovative solutions. The crèche also offers temporary childcare for parents seeking work, as well as many other special services.

Foodhub local food network

Foodhub.hu reconnects small-scale farmers directly with businesses looking for local, high-quality fresh ingredients, be they restaurants, farmer’s markets or food retailers. The company is on the mission to solve inefficiencies in the local food distribution by providing the tools and knowledge to develop a resilient local food economy. It supports small-scale producers with demand-driven advisory services while providing chefs and consumers with on-demand access to quality products.


Mastiff Cargo Bike

Mastiff is a Hungarian design and domestic serial manufactured two-wheel bicycle. Fast, stable and practical partner in everyday freight transport. With human power, it can move up to 100 kg of loads. The vase is made of steel, therfore it is strong and durable, yet affordable. Mastiff Cargo is 2.5 m long and 46 cm wide. Loading surface more than 80 cm long. Suitable for short and medium distance transport for small and medium-sized enterprises and institutions. It can be replaced by short-term vehicle transportation or every movement of materials in lager locations.

Vilawatt project

The local government of Viladecans, in Barcelona, set up an energy company based on citizen participation to promote the shift to environmentally friendly power sources and the renovation of homes to make them more energy efficient. In addition, a digital currency was created to reward people for saving energy. The money could be spent at businesses in their area to boost the local economy. The wider goal was to ensure the sustainable use of resources in a socially just community in which citizens play an active role.

Tree-planting drones

In a remote field south of Yangon, Myanmar, tiny mangrove saplings are now roughly 20 inches tall. It’s early proof of technology that could help restore forests at the pace needed to fight climate change. Two operators working with 10 drones can theoretically plant 400,000 trees in a day. Roughly half of the world’s mangrove forests have been lost.

Perth – Trees in the City

This dataset contains current tree data for the City of Perth and contains information regarding the Botanical name, Common Name and Family. Data is compiled from field capture from a parks team. This is not a complete comprehensive inventory of all trees as trees in the private realm are excluded. Some errors and/or duplicate data may exist.

Perth – Smart City Program

The first step in the rollout of the City of Perth’s new smart city innovation program has been achieved with the award of three tenders. The City was successful in securing a matched funding grant worth $1.3million from the Australian Government, through the Smart Cities and Suburbs Program. This will see ground work commence on technology development and installation of hardware for four projects - Smart Precinct, Smart Irrigation, Smart Sustainability and Data Hub.